Pregnancy is a beautiful experience for most women, but it can also be uncomfortable and financially demanding. Physically risky as well as emotionally traumatic at times! And that’s why ladies want to have some say in their fertility: they want their pregnancy experiences to go smoothly regardless of what happens.
Several things ensure that someone doesn’t end up with an unwanted pregnancy. The blog post will explore the different options to avoid unwanted pregnancy.
Hormonal Birth Control
It’s effective by delivering estrogen or progesterone. It’s also super convenient because it’s taken every day, at the same time of day, for as long as it’s needed.
Hormonal birth control works by making cervical mucus thicker to prevent the sperm from reaching the egg. It also thins over the endometrium, making it harder for a fertilized egg to attach to the uterus and grow into a fetus.
Hormonal birth control is 98-99% effective in preventing pregnancy when taken correctly every day. And because a person is not changing the routine much by taking a pill daily, there is an unlikelihood of missing a dose.
Hormonal birth control is usually safe for most women, helps with acne or menstrual cramps, and prevents pregnancy. But because it does contain hormones, there are some risks associated with its use, so be sure to talk about any medical conditions or medications with the doctor before starting hormonal birth control.
Intrauterine Device
An IUD is a T-shaped device inserted into the uterus to prevent pregnancy. Depending on a person’s preference and health history, it can be made out of plastic, copper, or both. It works by the uterine lining responding to the IUD and not allowing a fertilized egg to attach.
They come with side effects such as heavier periods, cramping, nausea, or spotting throughout your cycle, but some women have no effects. They don’t interfere with sex, so there’s no reason to stop having intercourse when having an IUD.
IUDs are a popular choice for women who want long-lasting contraception because they last anywhere from three to ten years before replacement.
It’s a convenient choice because once it is inserted, the person doesn’t do anything else until its removal time comes. Plus, insertion and removal of the device are quick procedures that can be done in the doctor offices or clinics with no anesthesia necessary, only painkillers if requested.
Barrier Methods
They work by blocking sperm from reaching the fallopian tubes. For men, the only option is male condoms. The best female contraceptives are diaphragms and cervical caps placed before sex and should be used with spermicide (foam, jelly) to prevent pregnancy.
Spermicides make it effective by 95%; without a spermicide, it’s 80% effective. Condoms are the only contraception protecting against sexually transmitted infections (STIs). These are most effective when used with spermicide. Condoms can be inserted up to six hours before sex but only remain effective for two hours after the man ejaculates.
Diaphragms and cervical caps should be left in place for at least six hours following intercourse. Some women also use vaginal sponges held by suction and must be left in for eight hours.
The contraceptive sponge is a small foam that blocks sperm from entering the uterus when inserted into the vagina before sex. It contains spermicide to kill any remaining sperm after intercourse. The diaphragm is a dome-shaped latex cup that tightly fits the cervix, preventing sperm from entering.
Emergency Contraception
It’s taken 12hrs apart from each other and within 72 hours of intercourse. It works by preventing or delaying ovulation, fertilization, or implantation. In some cases, it prevents pregnancy entirely if an egg hasn’t already been fertilized.
The only guaranteed way to avoid unwanted pregnancy and STDs is abstinence. If a person is not ready for a baby, don’t have sex! What is abstinence? Abstinence means choosing not to be sexually active with anyone else, without exception. People who abstain from sexual activity can enjoy healthy lives as adults.
The best way to avoid an unwanted pregnancy is to be responsible. Contact a doctor today if sexually active to help with birth control. A person can also find more information about what contraceptives work the best by researching. Don’t let this happen – take care by being responsible.